Marek Pivovar Radovan Lipus

All aboard! Expressway guy

A flight through the twentieth century

Mašinfíra Lojza runs daily on the beaten tracks on the Ostrava-Vienna route. He does his job well, he likes it, but it bothers him that his son is failing history. One day, the spirit of Vláčník appears to him, who since time immemorial has been taunting along all the tracks of Europe and can move along them even in time. He advises Lojz to turn his son's history into adventurous expeditions into historical events.


The Main scene
Recommended age 11+
70 minutes | without a break

Realizační tým

Režie Radovan Lipus
Scéna Marek Pražák
Kostýmy Eva Kotková
Dramaturgie Jana Pithartová Antonín Dvořák
Pohybová spolupráce Eva Štěpandová

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