Karel Růžička

Actor - puppeteer


Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering in Ostrava-Vítkovice, life

Previous engagement and performance

Arena Chamber Stage in 1998-2004; acted in productions:
Ch. de Coster: Thyl
A. and J. Vostrých: To be a queen in Samandal
R. de Obaldia: Wind in the Sassafras Branches
B. Hrabal: I served the King of England
S. Lavrík: Edgar //swww.eden@psem
B. Jonson: The Alchemist
T. Slobodzianek: Prophet Ilya
B. Brecht: In the thickets of cities
Euripides: Medea
F. Bruckner: Diseases of youth
N. Nosov - M. Pivovar: The Stranger according to Stanislavsky
B. Fraser: Unidentifiable Human Remains and the True Nature of Love
F. Kafka: Castle
D. Fo: Isabella, three caravels and a blowtorch
M. Bulgakov: A dog's heart
P. Zelenka: Stories of ordinary madness
Ch. D. Grabbe: Joke satire irony and deeper meaning
L. Klíma: Human tragicomedy
T. Prattchet: Mort.

Behind the Corner Theater (Canada, Vancouver); acted in productions:

P. Zelenka: Stories of ordinary madness
V. Cícha and N. Linhartová based on J. Marek's short stories: Bartolomejská 4

Puppet Theater Ostrava

Engaged since 2007.
Choice of roles:
J. K. Tyl: Fiddler or No Anger and No Fight (Baron Dudek)
F. Hrubín: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (The Huntsman and a Few Dwarfs)
M. Kownacká: How the shoemaker Dratvička freed the princess (Dratvička)
N. Sawa: Magical Circus Nori (Ninja)
E. Bryll - K. Gärtnerová: Painted on glass (Janík)
S. Townsend: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole (Barry Kent)
V. Thursday: Fairy Amálka (Crayfish, Miller, Fireman)
R. Tesnohlídek: Liška Bystrouška (Rechtor, Badger)
J. Gaarder: Girl with oranges (Jørgen)
U. Hub: Penguins on the Ark (Third Penguin)
M. Geišberg: Much smaller than a poppy seed (Lulú)
O. Ostravski - R. Lipus - M. Pivovar: From Denik Ostravak (1/9 Ostravak Ostravak)
V. Klemens: About the chubby Dora (Devil)
J. Ryšánek Schmiedtová: Angry Little Mina (Hugo von Hamburger)

Direction in DLO:

I. Procházková: Mice belong in heaven

Other professional activities

Television: some really characterful characters in the courtroom series By Law
Karel Hynek Mácha in the street movie Šumná Litoměřice


son Antonín

Admired personalities

Oldrich Novy


I'll keep that to myself…

Karel Růžička

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