Ivan Feller j. h.

Actor - puppeteer

Previous engagement

Oldřich Stibor Theater (today the Moravian Theater) in Olomouc
(e.g. he played in The Lords of Glembay by M. Krlež and in Joan of Arc by G. B. Shaw)

Tesin theater

(Frank in G. B. Shaw's Mrs. Warren's Business, Romeo in W. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet)

Silesian Theater Opava

Puppet Theater Ostrava

Engaged in 1988.
Choice of roles:
F. Pocci – E. Oplištilová: Láryfáry (Knight Valentine)
J. Kvapil: Princess Dandelion (Honza)
K. Čapek: Bird's Tale (Narrator)
J. Jílek: About the Parasol, the Moonlight and the Windmill (Prince Silomil)
J. Bařinka: I will go to Bethlehem together (Adam, Shepherd, Jew, Herod)
V. Vančura – J. Kovalčuk: Kubula and Kuba Kubikula (Kuba Kubikula)
K. Čapek: From Devatera fairy tales - A dog's tale (Narrator)
P. Nosálek: Jesus Christ (Judas Iscariotsky)
K. J. Erben: Bouquet (King)
P. Nosálek: Oberon and Huon of Bordeaux (Huon of Bordeaux)
L. Stroupežnický - V. Peška: Christopher Columbus (Christopher Columbus)
J. Kovalčuk - V. Peška: Ondráš or Comedy about a terrible murder
in the Sviadnov pub L.P. 1715 (Jura)
A. Wenig – I. Škripková: Devil and Duck (Jirka)
V. Nezval – H. Motýlová – T. Volkmer: What happened when Anička the elf whistled on the whistle (Magician Antonio)
J. K. Tyl: Strakonický bagpiper (Kalafuna)
W. Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream (Oberon)
J. Drda: Playing with the Devil (Martin Kabát)
A. Jirásek – M. Františák: From Old Czech Legends (Křesomysl)
M. Františák – lyrics by folk. puppeteers: Faust (Faust)
J. R. R. Tolkien - J. Pithartová: The Hobbit or The Journey There and Back Again (Gandalf the Wizard)
Noriyuki Sawa: Nori's Magic Circus (collective work)
F. Hrubín: Snow White, animals and seven dwarfs (Hunter, King, Dwarfs)
C. Collodi – I. Křehlíková: Pinocchio (Geppeto)
V. Peška: The Stepping Centipede or Revue V + W + J (collective work)
V. Klemens: Beautiful Isabella and three suitors or Harlequin (Pandolfo)
E. Bryll – K. Gärtnerová: Painted on Glass (Narrator)
J. K. Tyl: Fiddler or No Anger and No Fight (Ondřej Jammerweil)
S. Townsend: The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole (George Mole)
J. Pithartová: A Bride for a Hastman (The Miller)
R. Tesnohlídek: Viška Bystrouska (River, Sparrow)
J. Dell - G. Sibleyras: An hour and a half late (Piere)
O. Ostravski – M. Pivovar – R. Lipus: From Denik Ostravak (collective work)
W. Shakespeare: The Tempest (Prospero)

Other professional activities

He played the Robber in the film The Emperor and the Tambor and minor roles in the films Comeback and Thieves. He is dedicated to moderating sports and social events and one-actor theater.


He is active in sports (especially skiing, also as a coach).

Ivan Feller j. h.

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